Volunteer Pipeline

  • Brazos County, TX, USA / 2015
  • Energy Transfer Partners / Strike Construction, Pumpco Inc.
    • Products Used:

The Volunteer Pipeline has a 24” O.D. and is approximately 70 miles long and goes from Brazos County to La Grange, TX. With the addition of a compressor station, the pipeline has a capacity of 400 million cubic feet per day. After a full evaluation, engineers determined that buoyancy control was required for most of the pipeline. PipeSak® Filling Services was able to provide accurately weighed PipeSak® weights right to the site, free of defects. Having filled weights delivered directly to the ROW allowed workers to focus on other components of the pipeline, therefore saving time and money.

Learn more about PipeSak® Geotextile Pipeline Weights and our filling services.

PipeSak Weights Used

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