PipePillo® pipeline supports are high-performance structured pipeline pillows (SPP) engineered to keep workers safe, prevent pipeline ovality, and permanently protect fully-loaded pipelines from a rocky trench bottom. PipePillos® eliminate the need for foam, sandbags or pad dirt. Learn more.
Environment and Pipeline Friendly
PipePillo® structured pipeline supports are manufactured from high strength polypropylene resins which are environmentally inert yet softer than pipeline coatings. In addition, their 90 degrees of support limit ovality and their many cavities support cathodic protection systems.
Designed for Strength
The design incorporates a patented dual frustoconical shape which is able to transfer extreme loads effectively through to consolidated or virgin soil beneath. Contact us for a spacing estimate.
Easy to Handle and Install
PipePillo® structured pipeline supports are light enough to be manually handled, yet dense enough to resist flotation.
All PipePillo® structured pipeline supports have a rectangular center hole, which accommodates an installation rod (2×4) for positioned placement without workers in the trench. For deeper excavations, they can be strapped to the bottom of the pipeline prior to the pipe installation.