PipePillo® Structured Pipeline Supports
PipePillo® pipeline supports offer contractors a safe, uniform, and cost-effective alternative to sandbags, foam, pad dirt and cribbing. No specialized equipment is required to install – they are light enough to be handled by a single worker yet dense enough to resist flotation in wet trenches. PipePillo® provides 90 degrees of support – eliminating the risk of point loading, denting and ovality – and are designed to work with cathodic protection systems.
A single PipePillo® is engineered to safely hold up to 80,000 lbs. – for the life of your pipeline. Designed for versatility, PipePillo® can be used in-trench to protect your pipeline from rocky trench bottoms or outside of the trench as a stable, height adjustable support for stringing, welding, and fabrication.
Manufactured in N. America, PipePillos are available for all pipe diameters – in-stock and ready to ship. Visit us at www.pipesak.com or give us a call at 1-866-PIPESAK. We protect what you build.